Hudson Scholars Program Update

Hackley’s Hudson Scholars community continues to offer support to our Hudson Scholars families during these challenging and unprecedented times. Program Director David Sykes shared this message with Hudson Scholars and their families.

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Dear Friends,

I hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe! I wanted to give you a quick update on Hudson Scholars amidst our current COVID-19 pandemic.

During these unprecedented and challenging times, Hackley’s Hudson Scholars community is committed to continue to offer support to our Hudson Scholars families.  As many predict that the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will disproportionately impact low-income families and students, we are focused on finding ways to offer support, enrichment, and a strong community to the middle school Scholars and their families.

First, we have been in regular contact with the Hudson Scholars’ families as a means to assess greatest needs and to let them know that we will continue to offer support.

Second, with the help of Dawn Crainer, Emily Washington, and a number of Upper School mentors, Hackley has been working hard to keep the Scholar community engaged, supported, and feeling connected.  Below are some examples of the work that we are doing:

1.            Provide a weekly list of activities to the Scholars and their families.  Ranging from math puzzles, to writing prompts, to an online book club, to physical education activities, to art projects, to cooking recipes, and much more, these weekly updates provide a menu of academic, enriching, and fun options for our Scholars to stay engaged each week.

2.            Weekly Zoom check-ins with the Scholars.  Once a week, various Hackley teachers and Upper School mentors have a Zoom call with the Hudson Scholars.  Although nothing can replace the community that we create on the Hilltop with the Scholars, this has proven to be an important and fun way to keep the connection and community feeling strong.

3.            Created and shared a comprehensive list of available resources that could help families in need during this time.  Emily Washington’s Post AP Spanish class helped develop a resource list, in Spanish and English, which the families can use to find out which non-profit institutions can help during this time of need. The detailed spreadsheets offer information about local and national organizations that are serving the hungry, the unemployed, etc.

4.            Delivered essential items (food, diapers, toilet paper, etc.) to the Hudson Scholars families most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Finally, if we are unable to host the Scholars on the Hilltop this summer, we still plan to offer a modified program to support our Hudson Scholars. It is during these types of circumstances that it is even more important that we demonstrate our commitment to the Scholars and the community.  Although nothing can replace the community that we build together each summer on campus, we will do our best to find creative and effective ways to keep the Scholar community engaged, supported, and feeling connected even if we cannot be physically together every day.

Sending you and your loved ones warm wishes and good health!


David Sykes

Director, Hudson Scholars