Hackley School Celebrates Earth Week 2022!

Earth Day 2022 marks the final day of a week-long nature celebration at Hackley School. From Monday, April 18 to Friday, April 22, Hackley’s HEAL team (Hackley Earth Action League), faculty, and students united across campus to watch educational videos, enjoy guided nature walks in the Hackley Forest, participate in a campus-wide environmental-themed trivia game (Kahoot), and volunteer in a campus-wide Hilltop clean-up. Earth Week on the Hilltop also marked the official grand opening of the Apiary and Orchard, and the introduction of Hackley’s first bat house, a home for the local bat population. 

“This week’s focus on nature and the Hackley Forest highlights outdoor educational opportunities that are unique to the learning experience at Hackley,” says Peter Wright, Upper School teacher and Upper School HEAL Coordinator. “We are truly utilizing our incredible campus and surrounding ecosystem in extraordinary ways.” 

The grand opening of the orchard and apiary and the unveiling of the bat house directly supports a key pillar of Redefining Excellence—to promote the Hilltop as a learning hub, integrating the campus and surrounding natural environment into the K-12 curriculum. 

Watch this video which premiered in classrooms on April 20 as part of the grand opening of Hackley’s newest Hackley Forest initiatives.

Revisit the May 2021 Hackley Apiary announcement here.