Hackley Alumna Shares About Food Businesses With Food & Power Students

Christina Johantgen ’10 visited with the “Food and Power” class to share about her professional path and the various positions she’s held pertaining to our food system.

Christina spoke about her personal and educational journey from Hackley to Brown to a Masters in Visual and Digital Media earned at IE Business School in Madrid in connection with being named a Fulbright Scholar. She also discussed her role as a founding team member at Walden Meat, a whole-animal share program serving more than 30,000 families that partners with local farmers who follow the highest standards raising grass-fed beef and pasture raised pork, and chicken.

She is currently with Walden Mutual Bank, whose mission is “To enable anyone to make positive and lasting change to our local food ecosystem.” Walden Mutual’s work helps food businesses doing the most environmentally focused work secure traditional operating funds, while generating returns for individuals interested in aligning their savings with the local food system. The bank is helping to promote change in our regional food system beyond meat and farming.

Reflecting on her visit, Christina noted, “It was great sharing perspectives with the students and faculty, and it was also very gratifying to contribute in a way that I never imagined as a student.”

Pictured: Christina Johantgen ’10 with art she created in Mark Green’s Intermediate Studio Art class in 2007-2008.