Hackley Middle School Debate Team Wins Top School, Tournament Awards

The Middle School debate team had a strong showing at the tournament on Nov. 5.

On Saturday, Nov. 5, 21 Hackley debaters traveled to the Nightingale-Bamford School in Manhattan for a Middle School debate tournament. The topics debated included whether television is a bad influence, if captive live animal displays do more harm than good, and whether or not the United States should adopt a four-day work week.

Lila S. '27, Nico K. '27, and Kiki J. '27 won the Novice Division, with Ryan L. '30, Rohan M. '29, and Kubrick C. '28 coming in second with undefeated records. Henry K. '30, Neil D. '30 and Sophie P. '30 rounded out the top 5 in Novice at 3-1, while Mia S. '28 and Isabella Z. '27 (pictured) earned second place in the Varsity division—our first top 3 finish in Varsity since the pandemic. Rohan, Sophie, Isabella, and Lila all also earned speaker awards, with Isabella as the top speaker from Hackley overall. As a team effort, Hackley won 22 out of 32 debates—good enough for both the top school award (highest percentage of wins) and tournament award (most total number of wins).

The other teams included eighth graders Rani B., Shreyas K., and Zach W.; Brigid D. and Owen S.; Avish C. and Brian F.; and Jonah G., David G., and Sebastian J. Hackley's next Middle School debate will be held on the Hilltop on Saturday, Dec. 3.