Hackley Upper School Students Participate in Robotics Competitions

Upper School Submersible ROV Engineering students participated in robotics competitions during spring break.

On Wednesday, March 29, ninth graders Emmanuel Henderson, Canyon Thompson, and Ethan Tseng participated in the Connecticut SeaPerch competition as team "Hackley Trident." Click here for pictures from that competition.

On Saturday, April 1, Hackley entered two teams into the New York/New Jersey SeaPerch Regional competition: 10th grade team "Hackley Aquabots" (Ryan Carpenito and Osiris Stand—pictured), and ninth grade team "Hackley Subs"—Henry Prescott, Owen Lee, and Obi Nnamdi. Click here for pictures.

SeaPerch is a robotics competition that challenges students to design and build a submersible remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to complete mission speed trials and an obstacle course. This was Hackley’s inaugural year participating in the SeaPerch Regionals. Our students demonstrated ingenuity, technical skill, resilience, and teamwork during their run at the competition. Although not all students were available to compete during the break, the building of the ROVs have been a collaborative effort within the class.

About the Course: Submersible ROV Engineering focuses on building submersible Remotely Operated Vehicles, or ROVs. Students work in teams to research designs with the purpose of creating ROVs that mimic how ROVs are currently used for real-world functions. As students build their ROVs, they learn engineering skills and principles, including learning how to electrically wire a remote control to a tool and motor system, design and build a vehicle frame, and achieve neutral buoyancy. Student teams then compete in regional competitions.

Osiris Stand ’25 (left) and Ryan Carpenito ’25 (right), members of team "Hackley Aquabots,” pictured here testing their ROV at the NY/NJ SeaPerch Regional competition.